Thursday, December 12, 2013

Are we ready for 2014?

We are approaching 2014, we did lots of things during 2013, but how good or how bad we did it, it’s something already gone. Let’s forget it and think about what coming, are we ready for 2014?
Although readiness could differ from one person to another, but it’s all about three questions.

First: What do you want to do in 2014?

Or in other words, what are your objectives for 2014?
It could be a silly question, or theorist’s question, but the reality is not. If we know clearly from now (what do we want to do in 2014) the possibilities of making it happen will be higher.
The task is not difficult, just grab a pencil and a paper and let it flow, with several revisions and consulting your closer networks, gradually you will be clear about your own bigger plans for 2014.

Second: To what extend do you want to grow?

Growth has different meanings for different people, let’s explore some of them:

  • Growth for an employee means get promotion and more income; therefore more knowledge and skills required.
  • For a business person, growth is how much cash flow expected or some planned expansion.
  • and for a student wants better result next year and may go for training at one of the reputable organizations or go volunteering.

From the above examples, each of us can define his/her own growth, then connect it to the previous question so as to define clearly our 2014 big dreams and objectives.

Third:  How you will reach your dreams?

By now each and every one of us decided on the big dreams for the big 2014. This one will increase his income by 20%, and that business woman decided to double her cash flow while those students will get overall grade of “A”.

If you just dream; you may cheat yourselves, you should have confident in yourself and your capabilities, you should know where you can get support, and you should take it more seriously and commit yourself to the next steps of planning and actions through the following simple two steps:
·         Break the big dreams into smaller manageable chunks.
·         Develop a clear action plan to achieve each of the smaller chunks.

Let’s have an example, suppose that Ahmed wants to read 10 books during 2014. Thinking of 10 books could be too much for some people, so let’s break it tighter into smaller chunks.
·         10 books a year means 2-3 books every quarter.
·         That means one book per month
·         If there are 100 pages at each book, that means 2-4 pages a day.
You see; it is now very simple, instead of telling himself “10 books to read” he will just say “I’ll read 3 pages a day”.

My last message to you, it is good to dream and think big, it’s good to develop an action plan and break it into smaller pieces, but it will be better to put measures. The measures will ensure that you are progressing, it could be very simple; just create a monthly/weekly check list to tick whenever you accomplish one task. It will safeguard your big dreams from deviations.

Think big, dream big and you will gain more…

The hardest step is the first. Just step it!!!... The others will follow smoothly.

If you want to change your life, your destiny, act now, act quickly, the universe likes speed.

Never ever give e up; persistence is the only cure that will transfer your dreams into reality.

Instead of just celebrating the new year for the sake of fun, why not celebrating our readiness for 2014 telling ourselves and telling the world that we are 100% ready to achieve more in 2014.

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